That’s right- Joel and I made sushi for our Valentine’s Day dinner, just like I said we would! And believe it or not, we didn’t screw it up! A miracle! In fact, we were so excited about it, we decided to make a little video, including YOU all in the fun! That’s right- this is a Sing For Your Supper first! My very first video tutorial (don’t worry, it’s very short- less than 3 minutes)!

Believe it or not, making sushi at home isn’t quite as scary as you’d think. I’ll be honest, we were both pretty pessimistic about our chances of making a decent California roll, and I fully expected to fail miserably. But it really was FUN and easy, and our rolls turned out super delicious! However, before I show you how we did it, there are a few things I’d like to make clear:

I am not a professional sushi maker.
I am fully aware that my “California roll” is not a real, honest-to-goodness, traditional California roll.
I realize that my knife-wielding skills are a little lack-luster.
Yes, I have an accent.

Sushi video tutorial:

[FMP  autohide=”true”]/wp271/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Sushi.m4v[/FMP]

What you’ll need:

Nori (seaweed)
bamboo mat
plastic wrap
sushi rice
rice vinegar
crab meat
cucumber, thinly sliced
avocado, thinly sliced
soy sauce
mayo/Sriracha mixture (optional- you won’t find this in a traditional California roll, but we really liked the flavor it added! Mix 1/4 cup mayonnaise with 2 or 3 splashes of Sriracha)

Mix 2 tablespoon rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Cook your rice according to the instructions on the package. I made 2 cups, which gave us enough for 2 rolls (with a little leftover). You don’t have to own a rice cooker for this- I did mine on the stove top and it turned out just fine.

After your rice is cooked, spread it in a thin, even layer on a baking sheet, sprinkle with the vinegar mixture and let it sit out until it’s completely cooled (I laid down a sheet of wax paper before spreading my rice, just so it wouldn’t stick to the baking sheet).

When you’re ready to start filling your sushi, place a sheet of nori on the bamboo mat covered with plastic wrap. Have a small bowl of water mixed with a little rice vinegar nearby. Dip your fingers in the water and start spreading the rice in a thin, even layer over the nori. You’ll need to continuously dip your fingers in the water to keep them from sticking to the rice (and that rice is STICKY!). Leave a little bit of a border so you’ll be able to seal the roll later.

Place a few pieces of crab, cucumber and avocado at the top of the roll (closest to you), followed by the spicy Sriracha/mayo mixture, if desired.

Now it’s time to roll; carefully lift the bamboo mat underneath the top of the nori (where the filling is) and start to roll it over until you can tuck the top underneath. Keep using the mat to help you roll it as tightly as possible (this is actually a lot easier than it sounds). After you’ve finished rolling, dab a little water/vinegar mixture on the edge of the nori to seal the edges. Slice in 1 inch pieces and you’ve got SUSHI!

For dipping: Mix a TINY amount of wasabi into your soy sauce for a spicy kick. But be warned, wasabi packs a BIG punch- a little goes a long way! Dip your sushi and enjoy!

**If you decide to use any raw fish, definitely make sure it’s “sushi-grade” (extra fresh)!

References: Gimme Some Oven and Itsy Bitsy Foodie

Out Takes (enter at your own risk!):

[FMP  autohide=”true”]/wp271/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Out-Takes.m4v[/FMP]
