No, I didn’t use Dorie’s recipe for the biscuit topping. Shoot me. Sorry, but I don’t believe in cobblers with “biscuit topping” – that’s just not how its done in my family. I’m sure Dorie’s recipe is perfectly delicious – but if I’m going to make a cobbler, I’m going to use my great grandmother’s crust recipe. Everything else is just like Dorie calls for – just not the topping. And guess what  – it was delicious! Every week, I follow the recipe exactly how its written – I’m a good little TWD member….just not this week. Don’t worry, next week I will definitely be making the Apple Cheddar Scones exactly as Dorie calls for; I promise I’ll go back to being a good girl. 🙂

This weeks’ recipe was the Mixed Berry Cobbler chosen by Beth of Our Sweet Life.
